Off the Radar

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Let’s Go For a Test Drive

After nine months of development, the new Car Show Radar is finally done!  Well, almost. We’re looking for people to try it out and put it through its paces.

How?  Car Show Radar needs real people to post real car shows!

In essence, we need Beta Testers to go through the process of posting a show on our new site so we know what’s working and what could work better. We’ve been working for months on the design and coding to make sure your car show listing looks great, all the links work, the map actually takes you to the correct location (and not some pond in the middle of a field somewhere) … you know, all that stuff. And like all good gearheads, our nerds in the development department want to get down to the nitty gritty.

Want to help us go for a test drive?

If you are involved in promoting an upcoming car show, or know someone who is, tell them about the Car Show Radar and let them know we want them to post a show–FOR FREE!

Yep, you saw it right. POST A SHOW FOR FREE!

Just send an email to and we’ll reply with a quick and easy instruction email. That’s it!

By now you may have read what a car show listing on Car Show Radar gets you:

  • Your own web page dedicated to your show, including your show flyer, and a big, beautiful photo
  • Lots of space to promote your show,
  • Links to dang near anything you want to put in there
  • An interactive map you can click on for directions

If you’ve seen this on our site, then you know how awesome a deal this is!

But wait, did you also know that your show listing automatically generates a Facebook posting AND a Twitter posting that goes out to all of our (hopefully soon-to-be HUGE) car loving audience? Your Car Show Radar Facebook and Twitter posts include:

  • Your flyer, or photo,
  • The name of your show
  • Some of the show details
  • A link to your show website

That’s how we do it at the Radar!

Oh, and then there’s that weekly email that promotes your show until it runs. We send an email each and every week to all our subscribers and members to really push the shows posted on the Radar. We’re really proud of that one, because it goes to car-show-going people who want to know where all the cool car shows are.

And we tell them.  Every week.

So post a show for FREE by sending an email to and get our quick and easy instruction email.

Please spread the word to all your gearhead friends and help us test this sucker so we can make Car Show Radar the go-to destination for car show enthusiasts!  As we say “Get the Radar and Get Going!”.

Thanks so much,

Randall Cass, Chief Car Show Goer
