A New Video Series from Car Show Radar!
Welcome to our latest project here at Car Show Radar, a new video series called Radar Rod Shop. We’ve recruited our good friend and fellow car-guy Randy George to help us take on our first car build, and we think we’ve picked quite a doozy.
What is it?
Well, the photo above is certainly a dead giveaway. But watch our new Radar Rod Shop video just to make sure. (And click on the full-screen button ’cause the video comes in a little small here on our blog page.)
If you just watched the video – and we really hope you did – you can understand why we’re excited to get this new video series under way. In Episode 2 we’re going to show you more details of the car and what needs to be done, and we’ll reveal what direction we’re going to take with the build.
So stay tuned for more Radar Rod Shop videos and news and thanks for watching!