Clarksville, Indiana - 10/28/2017 10:00 am to 10/13/2017 03:00 pm
Registration from 10:00 am to Noon
Judging will begin at 11:00 am
Prizes at 3:00 pm
Location: River Falls Mall beside Bass Pro Shop
Clarksville, IN – 951 East Lewis and Clark Parkway, Clarksville, IN
Trophies will be given for:
Top 50 in Show
Best in Show
Veteran’s Choice
People’s Choice
Best GM
Best Ford
Best Mopar
Best Non-Big Three
Best Interior
Best Paint
Best Truck
Best Engine
Best Street Rod
Best Classic
Best Late Model
Top 3 Motorcycles.
Goody Bags will be provided to the first 50 to register.
Dash Plaques will be provided to the first 100 to register.
Early bird registration $12 – before October 16th.
$15 Day of Show.
The show will be held rain or shine.