Overland Park, Kansas - 6/17/2017 10:00 am to 6/17/2017 03:00 pm
1st Annual VFW Post 846 “Cars that Care” Car &a Bike Show. June 17 2017.
Registration begins @ 9am. Show times 10-3 awards to be given at 1:30. All makes/models and bikes welcomed. Fee is $20 per vehicle/bike. Trophies to be given in different categories 1-3rd place by popular vote. There will be a Huey helicopter on site that was flown in Vietnam, as well as other military vehicles. Vendors, food, music, raffles, 50/50 drawing, and silent auctions. We have over 2 acres of grassy parking
All proceeds go to benefit our Post and the Homless Vet Fund. Please come out and support our Vets