Lexington, Kentucky - 7/17/2016 01:00 pm to 7/17/2016 06:00 pm
Jeremy Hampton was an awesome guy and a beloved friend. We feel his loss daily. He left behind a wife and 3 small children. In this heartbreaking time Lucky’s Autosports and Gearheads are planning this memorial event to assist his family and remember Jeremy. The benefit begins with a Cruise from Lucky’s Autosports at 1pm arriving at Shillito Park Shelter #1 for a grill and chill. If you have any questions, please message us.
Sunday July 17
1pm – 6pm
$10 Donation Includes Plate Lunch
100% Proceeds to Jeremy’s Family.
Larger Donations Welcome.
Largest Donation Receives a Free
Window Tinting Gift Certificate from Lucky’s
Cruise in from Lucky’s Autosports at 1PM
229 W. New Circle Road, Lexington, KY
All Vehicles Welcome!
Grill & Chill in Shillito Park Park
Shelter #1 by Pool (Behind Fayette Mall)
300 Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY
Starts after Cruise In from Lucky’s
Show & Shine, Family Event, Grill Out
Music By:
DJ Shawn Tye
DJ Nate FX
Brought to you by:
Lucky’s Autosports
Shelby’s Way
Donation Sponsorships Available
Tax Deductible through Shelby’s Way
Contact: nate@luckysautosports.com